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Flash Sale Ends Sunday 10% Off Jigsaw Mats | USE CODE GIFT10

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Flash Sale Ends Sunday 10% Off Jigsaw Mats | USE CODE GIFT10
What Flooring should I choose for Martial Arts and Weight Training?

What Flooring should I choose for Martial Arts and Weight Training?

Rubber mats can be too hard for falls, while EVA/XPE martial arts mats don’t handle the weight of equipment well. Given these specific needs, here are some alternative approaches to create a dual-purpose space without sacrificing safety or durability:

1. Hybrid Flooring Solution (Layered Approach)

  • Base Layer: Cover the entire floor with rubber tiles (10-20mm) as a durable foundation. Rubber will handle weight impact and support heavy equipment, preventing dents and floor damage.
  • Overlay for Sparring Area: Place portable martial arts mats such as roll out mats or folding mats over the rubber in your sparring zone. These mats that can be easily removed or shifted, allowing you to uncover the rubber surface for weight training when needed.
  • Benefits: This setup provides a safe, cushioned surface for martial arts while keeping the rubber layer available for weight training.

2. Modular Setup - Zones

  • Like the Chambers in Shaolin. Have a boarder of rubber mats for weight training equipment and areas that require weight to be dropped. Then use interlocking tatami tiles for flexibility, so you can easily remove or adjust the setup depending on the activity. 

3. Rubber mats layered over martial arts mats

  • Layered approach: EVA/XPE mats will dent when heavy objects are dropped on them or leave indents if left for long periods. Another approach is to fit jigsaw mats across your entire space and then place protective rubber mats underneath the weight machines and squat areas for example to protect the jigsaw mats. The martial arts mats will absorb the impact so the rubber tiles don't have to be too thick. 

Final Tips

  • Budget Solution: Nobody wants to break fall on rubber mats. However, 40mm EVA jigsaw mats for example with not only work for martial arts activities but will also cushion weights and protect your floor. They will dent, often these dents disappear after a 24hrs. But if this really doesn't bother you then this might be a good option. You can always flip the jigsaw mats over time.
  • Ideal Solution: A hybrid or zoned approach could be ideal, with flexible layouts allowing you to optimize for both sparring and weights. Or a rapidly deployed and breakdown martial arts flooring like roll out mats over rubber mats is perfect. 
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